Delaware Zip Codes by Population (2024)

by Kristen Carney Kristen Carney

Updated: June 20, 2024

The most populous zip codes in Delaware are 19720 with 60,514, 19702 at 56,571, 19711 with 49,746, 19709 at 48,954, and 19701 with 44,553. You can get the most current Census population data for all 66 Delaware zip codes, sorted from the most populous zip codes in Delaware to the least, according to the 2022 American Community Survey.

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Rank Zip Code Population
1 19720 60,514
2 19702 56,571
3 19711 49,746
4 19709 48,954
5 19701 44,553
6 19805 39,610
7 19901 39,097
8 19808 38,107
9 19904 37,387
10 19966 32,513
11 19713 29,952
12 19958 28,761
13 19977 26,204
14 19973 26,070
15 19802 26,065
16 19810 25,569
17 19803 21,437
18 19963 21,394
19 19947 19,513
20 19804 17,986
21 19707 17,011
22 19801 16,545
23 19703 16,376
24 19956 15,822
25 19809 15,529
26 19968 15,125
27 19971 15,043
28 19934 14,566
29 19734 14,026
30 19943 12,600
31 19962 12,277
32 19933 10,610
33 19952 10,602
34 19806 10,273
35 19975 9,693
36 19938 9,240
37 19945 8,519
38 19807 7,846
39 19939 7,668
40 19970 7,639
41 19950 7,524
42 19960 6,863
43 19940 6,818
44 19717 6,129
45 19946 5,497
46 19953 4,972
47 19941 3,109
48 19930 2,878
49 19951 2,173
50 19967 2,050
51 19706 1,984
52 19954 1,688
53 19964 1,599
54 19944 582
55 19730 558
56 19979 541
57 19955 384
58 19931 376
59 19732 364
60 19731 328
61 19936 222
62 19733 173
63 19980 152
64 19902 64
65 19710 26
66 19736 17
  • United States Census Bureau. B01001 SEX BY AGE, 2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey Office. Web. 7 December 2023.

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